Latest Smart Textiles News

NAWAStitch 1 min

NAWAStitch for next-generation energy storage

NAWA Technologies, based in Rousset, Aix-en-Provence, France, has acquired N12 Technologies, a Massachusetts Institute of Technology spin-off company specialising in mass-produced vertically aligned carbon nanotubes.

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Run Smart

Potential outlined for SmartX projects

SmartX Europe, the European Smart Textiles Accelerator, has made its final call for project applications, with companies having until 15 February to secure up to €60,000 in funding each.…

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Smart fabrics exposed to a space environment at the ISS

The outer skin of a space-based structure is designed using materials known to protect against the harsh elements of space.

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Baby cap

Brain mapping for babies made simple

A new form of wearable, baby-friendly, brain-mapping technology has implications for understanding developmental conditions, such as autism spectrum disorder and cerebral palsy.

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Finger pad friction is a key to haptic control

A thorough understanding of the self-regulating moisture mechanism of human fingerprints could help in the development of more tactile sensors, an international research team believes.

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Humask for sufferers of hearing loss

Entreprise Prémont has launched the Humask-Pro Vision, a windowed mask designed for families and professional people with hearing loss.

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Face mask 2.0 for viral communication

Donut Robotics – a Japanese venture founded in 2014 out of a garage in Fukuoka – has been inundated with enquiries from international marketing companies in the past few…

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Smart fabric senses through ‘implicit input’

Capacativo is a Microsoft smart fabric that can detect different non-metallic objects ranging from avocados to credit cards.

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Smart options with MDW technology

Swiss textile machinery builder Jakob Müller has woven a textile calculator to demonstrate the capabilities of its new MDW technology.

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Promising route to piezoelectric nylon fibres

A new method for producing nylon fibres that are smart enough to produce electricity from simple body movement has been developed in a collaboration between the UK’s…

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