Archive: February 2023

Intelligent Textiles for Interiors Fashion and Rehabilitation

Contactless gesture recognition with illuminative textile

An intelligent system offering a contact-free gesture recognition illuminative textile that changes colour via hand and body gestures has been developed by researchers at the…

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Smart car seat cover

Footfalls & Heartbeats has developed simple, non-intrusive sensing technology in a knitted car seat cover to enhance comfort, safety and occupational health in modern mobility.

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Reactive fabrics respond to changes in temperature

Soft and elastic filaments made from liquid crystalline elastomers are being used by researchers in Finland and the UK to weave textiles that can change…

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Vibrating shirt makes music more accessible

A Dutch-American technology brand was one of the five finalists in the Tommy Hilfiger’s Fashion Frontier Challenge 2023.

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Transforming the future of wearables through textile integration

Softmatter, a technology company that operates at the intersection of soft goods and wearables, has announced its configurable stack of new technologies to accelerate the…

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Smart insole to identify and mitigate workplace slips, trips and falls

To boost workplace safety, researchers from the Department of Biomedical Engineering at the National University of Singapore and the Institute for Health Innovation & Technology…

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Soft robotic wearable restores arm function for people with ALS

A team of US researchers from the Harvard John A Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences and Massachusetts General Hospital has developed a soft…

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Sensor enables ‘smart diapers’ and other health monitors

A sensor developed by researchers at Pennsylvania State University could help workers in day-care centres, hospitals and other medical settings provide more immediate care to…

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X1 Smart Heated Vest Carhartt

Artificially intelligent heated vest

Workwear producer Carhartt of Dearborn, Michigan, USA, has introduced an intelligent heated vest designed to eliminate fluctuating body temperatures, and personalise heat and comfort both…

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